God has an incredible design for your life, and the Growth Track process is part of the Impact Path designed to help you connect with that design. To attend Growth Track, please scan the QR code or click the link below where you can register for the weekly in-person classes. Classes are designed to be taken in order so that you can get the full Impact Experience.
Growth Track is held every month over four consecutive Sundays, starting with stepONE on the first Sunday of month. After you have taken stepONE and have Become A Member of Impact Church you will then be able to attend Steps Two, Three, and Four.
During the four-step process you will learn what it means to be a Member of Impact Church, Discover How God Uniquely Designed You, Develop Your Leadership Skills and Prepare You to Make A Difference serving on the Dream Team in our church, our community, our city, and the rest of the world.
stepONE - Become A Member
In stepONE, we want you to get to KNOW GOD BETTER and
understand what it means to be a member of Impact Church.
Classes are held every first Sunday at 11:40 AM.
stepTWO - Discover Your Design
In stepTWO, we
want to help you to Discover Your Design – why were you born and what you were created for.
Classes are held every second Sunday at 11:40 AM.
stepTHREE - Develop Your Leadership
In stepTHREE, we want to help you to learn what it means
to be a leader at Impact Church and to learn how you can strengthen your
character and gifting to fulfill your leadership potential.
Classes are held every third Sunday at 11:40 AM.
stepFOUR - Join The Team
In stepFOUR, we want to teach you how to MAKE A DIFFERENCE by using your life
and gifts to serve others.
Classes are held every fourth Sunday at 11:40 AM.
RegisterFresh Start